Comparative Analysis of Leucaena, Gamal, and Organic Fertilizer Effects on Brassica juncea Growth

Domingos CBB Gomes1, Adao Loelaku Gomes2, Abel Suriloe Gomes2 *
1Forestry, UNPAZ, Dili, Timor-Leste
2Agricultura, UNTL, Dili, Timor-Leste

Various dishes that use mustard as a raw material are used as a mixture of vegetables such as lodeh, capcay, and boiled noodles and as a complement to the food mixture. The method used in this study is Randomized Block Design with 3 replications, and arranged factorially consisting of doses of green leaf doses of Laeucanea, and Gamal leaf. The results of the study showed that among the four parameters observed in the growth of Caisin green mustard plants, it was indicated that the effect of Leucaena leaf green manure, and Gamal leaf on plant height parameters at week 2 and week 4 of MST. Likewise, the influence of chicken manure can affect the growth of tall green mustard greens in weeks 2,4,6, and 8 WAC. The combination of Leucaena leaf green manure, Gamal leaf, and chicken manure can also influence the growth of mustard plant height at weeks 2.4 and 6 WAC and 8 MST
Key Words: Laucaena, Leaf, Brasiscia