Domingos CBB Gomes
Visiting Professor Forestry, UNTL & UNPAZ, Dili, Timor-Leste
Lettuce cultivation on the lowlands with mineral soil was made one of the alternatives for increasing the production of lettuce. Mineral soils are less fertile if it will be planted with lettuce need to give organic ingredients. The purpose of this study is to knowing the influence and interaction between the doses of manure and liquid organic fertilizers towards growth and yield of lettuce plants on three different soil types. The methods used in this study was a Randomized Design Group (RDG), with three replicates. The treatment arranged in factorial. The treatments tested consists of two factors, namely the dose factors of cattle manure (PKS) consists of PKS0 (0 gr/plant), PKS1 (150 gr/plant), PKS2 (200 gr/plant), PKS3 (250 gr/plant) combined with three kinds of soil minerals. Then second factor is liquid organic fertilizer dose factor (POC) consisting of POC0 (0 ml/plant), POC1 (5 ml/plant), POC2 (10 ml/plant), POC3 (15 ml/plant) combined with three kinds of soil minerals. The experiment consists of 16 units of treatment combinations and each treatment was repeated three times so that the required 48 polybeg/plants experiment. Observation of growth of lettuce and variable components of crops as well as the varibel supporters. The collected data were analyzed with the analysis Variant (yout range) according to the experimental design was used. If there is a real interaction influence against the observed variable is then continued with a different test studies on average use the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) on levels 5% and if only a single factor in a real influence, then proceed with the average difference test with Least Significant Difirent (LSD) on level 5%. Based on the results of research that, granting cattle manure and liquid organic fertilizer can increase growth and curly lettuce crops. The real interaction happening against curly lettuce plant growth at treatment doses of manure of cows with a dose of liquid organic fertilizer. Cattle manure at doses of 250 gr/plant shows dosage optimum cattle manure with maximum results and a liquid organic fertilizer dose 15 ml/plant shows the optimum dose with maximum results. NCBA soil type is a type of land suitable for cultivation of curly lettuce on lowlands for dry climate or limited rain
Key Words: nfluence, Dosing Cattle Manure, Organic
Liquid Fertilizers, Growth, Crop Yield of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), Different Soil Types