Timor-Leste Farmers’ Perspectives on Environmental Impacts of ChemicalFertilizer Use in Agriculture

Domingos CBB Gomes
Visiting Professor Forestry, UNTL & UNPAZ, Dili, Timor-Leste

The main goals of the study are to find out how much farmers know about how using chemical fertilizers in farming affects the environment, what kinds of chemical fertilizers are used, how much farmers use them, and how often they use them in the study area, and to find out how farmers feel about the environmental effects of chemical fertilizer use, such as how it affects soil quality, water quality, and wildlife. The data was collected from 150 sample farmers in Ermera Municipality, Timor-Leste, using a stratified random sampling method through structured interviews using a pre-designed questionnaire. The study found varying levels of awareness among farmers regarding the environmental impacts of fertilizers. While a substantial number of farmers expressed concerns, some adopted proactive measures to mitigate these impacts. The types of fertilizers used, their application rates, and frequency were diverse, with a majority adhering to recommended practices. Farmers’ perceptions of fertilizer impacts on soil quality, water quality, and ecosystems showed a range of opinions. These insights emphasize the need for tailored educational initiatives and sustainable farming practices to balance food security and environmental conservation in the region.

Key Words: Farmers’, Perspectives, Environmental Impacts, Chemical Fertilizer, Agriculture